Friday, January 21, 2011

"Never trust a wolf in sheep clothing"


My very first post will be a bit DEEP. (lol) But, I thought I'd share this experience. Maybe help out a few people along the way.

To nobody's suprise anymore, I'am Pregnant. Some approve some will disapprove. But who are any of you to judge? No, Im not married to the person whom I have a child by. GOD, forgives us for our sins. I don't regret getting pregnant. One thing I wish I could change, is meeting HIM. At the end of the day though. Me and Donovian are going to be just fine.

I always told myself I wanted to be married before I had kids. (laughs) But, sometimes the way you THINK things will turn out for you. They never do. & I will admit this has taken away from what I thought of marriage, men and having kids. Alot of you all are in love. So that's why Im going to say what will be said next. Some of you will be like "who is SHE to talk" 20 years old, single and got a baby on the way right? Well, all I can honestly say is that I'am human. & Just like any other girl out there who has dreamed of being a mother, being a wife. I had those dreams too. If I could change it would I? Of course, only if GOD gave me the SAME little person growing inside of me right now. But that wouldn't happen. So like I said I don't regret the fact that Im expecting my first child so young. What I want to tell you, is to "save yourself for marriage" As cliche, and as scary as it sounds. By the "book" It is the right thing to do. I understand at times you feel as though you can't do without that person. But at the end of the day. If you and that person were to break up right this minute. Guess what? Life still goes on, the earth is still spinning, nothing stops, but YOU. Only if you allow yourself to. No matter what a man TELLS you. Unless he SHOWS you otherwise. He doesn't deserve your heart. & he damn sure doesn't deserve your body.  When a man really LOVES you and really wants you to be his WIFE. You won't find out he's cheating on you, his phone won't constantly be going off. Getting late phone calls from exes and old flings from his past. Why? Because, only a little BOY, will allow such mess to take place in a relationship. A man has no time to play games. - Have your fun ladies, I know I can't save you all. Not everyone deals with certain situations the way I do. & That's fine, but If I can just make it clear to ONE girl out there. My work here is done here.

I'll end this by saying. I LOVE my life, even more now then ever. You learn from your mistakes. & You also grow from them. There are men who can't get women pregnant. There are women who can't get pregnant. & There are men who so badly want a BOY. - To make a long story short. Donovian's father wouldn't know what a blessing was if it hit him dead in the face. If a boy, has a car and a job. There is NO excuse as to why. No matter what it is going on between YOU two why he can't help provide for his child. But, you see I keep saying BOY. Because a MAN would come around. Not just when he wants to have sex, or when he's not messing around with somebody at the time. Better yet, when it's CONVIENT for him. As a parent, there is no such thing as CONVENIENCE. For the REST of your life. You will be a parent, It's called a life-time COMMITMENT.  I asked him why, a few times - His response was . . . . "because I have a job" -__- How devastating right? So many people on this earth who WISH they could have kids. & He walks around like nothing even happened. Learn from my mistakes, I made a mistake and trusted a little boy with my LIFE. I resent him, but as a woman I have to find it in me to forgive him. Somewhere along this journey. Not for me, but for MY son.

"Don't let someone become a priority in your life. When you are just an option in theirs"

- The End

Bunnyy xoxoxo

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