Monday, December 26, 2011

Donovian's First Christmas!

Donovian had a really good Christmas. Most times I go into detail about what he did or what he's doing, or what he got. But, If you haven't already read my 5-6 month blog I wrote about him. Because since then, other than him standing alone by himself now. (which is no longer than 30 seconds) lol! He's not doing too many new tricks as of right now.

I added a couple of pictures in the video, So you can see for yourself the things he got on Christmas! So take care. The next blog will be his 7 month update! Time is flyyyinnng by!

I hope every is enjoyng the holidays. Happy Holidays from Me & Donovian.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Donovian's 5-6 Month update!

This blog is SUPER late. But I haven't had much down time to really blog or make any new videos. I was originally going to just combine Thanksgiving and Christmas together. But since I'm at it now, I thought to just go ahead and share what I have now.

For starters, Donovian is no longer 5 months. (lol) He is six months old now. Waving, sitting up by hiself, crawling, mocking & pulling up on ANYTHING he can get his hands on and trying to walk already. He was taking to baby food for a while. Now Donovian pretty much eats what everyone else is eating. But, because there are still certain foods he really shouldn't eat. Im starting him on Gerber Graduate food. They have yogurt melt bites, breakfast bowls, lil hotdogs (lol) Pretty much everything. He loves it!

Wellll, that is just about it! He's moving right along. Oh yeah, His two bottom teeth are almost in! and they are SHARP! (lol)I should, hopefully. Have Donovian's six month update up before New years (take it or leave it lol) He's such a handful now crawling and getting into everything, and even on my off days Im still busy most of the time runnin around, getting things done. So bare with me! I hope you all enjoy the Thanksgiving video I post up of him.

One last thing, I've been promising a postpartum video of where my weight is and how look NOW. So be on the look out for that as well. & look who's wearing their REAL hair now (LOL) mwah!

Talk to you all again soon
