Sunday, August 18, 2013

Catch up

Soooooo much has happened, is happening, will happen. I have not been posting much due to some issues I'm having with my laptop. It's my ONLY means of editing videos. BUT, I will still make an effort to post and finish where we left off. There just won't be any videos. Novi has had his second dentist appt., turned two, gotten a hair cut, lots of things. & because I have OCD they will be in the order they happened. Just bare with me. Everything will now be posted from my good ole handy ipad mini. I can't wait to share everything & get back to blogging. I've also opened my shop back up. So lots to do! Talk to you all again soon.

Bunny <3 

Isn't he just growing up SOOO fast? I no longer get the "she's so pretty" comments ;) (lol)