Friday, March 8, 2013

Novi Dancing to MJ Experience on the Wii + Lost footage

Like they say practice makes perfect. (lol) Soon as he hears the song, he already knows what dance routine is what. I'm glad I finally caught it on camera. The move he tries to do from Smooth Criminal trips me out every time! Donovian picks up on everything so quickly. Yes those are Mr. Potato head glasses he had on. He always takes the pieces and puts them on himself. If you listen closely you'll hear him say "bye" He's been saying "Hi" and "Hello" for a while. Now, he's finally saying "Bye" Going through old videos I HAD to share the last video one of him at only a few months. I had no idea he waved at the camera at the end until now. :) Keep in touch! Blogger Instagram @Sharbunnyy Twitter @Sharbunnyy Etsy YouTube