Saturday, September 7, 2013

Novs First workshop

It is so fun working at Home Depot. I love the fact that they have these little workshops. I got lucky and had a Saturday off. So, today I was able to take him to one. They made a Football toss game.

First, I went to the Home Depot in riverdale (it's closer) but, comes out that they only allow kids 5-12 at their workshops. He still got an apron, a pin &  the toss game kit. We left there and headed to my Home Depot. He had a field day hammering. (Lol) he got to paint and got another pin. :) 

Here's the pics! 

Novis first movie

While most parents take their babies to the movies, as.. Babies (lol) I know my child well enough to know he wasn't going to enjoy nor pay any attention to the movies. But, but late than never. (Lol) the very first movie he ever saw was "Epic" it as a really good movie! 

Donovian's First haircut

After finally getting tired of taking an additional 20 mins or so to do his hair everyday. I said "it is time" not to mention the girl comments and awkward stares. A lot of people thought I had a little girl dressed up as a boy. (Lol) ridiculous i know, but its true!!

Before and after photos, again. My laptop situation is dreadful. So I don't have a video of this moment only pictures :) I even added a recent photo of his fresh new look. 

Novi's Second Birthday!!:)

I had no idea what to do for Donovians second birthday. I knew I didn't want to take him to another kids arcade. Since Monkey joes was so expensive and Novi didn't really like getting on anything alone at the time. So one day at Walmart, not Even a few weeks before his bday. A guy gave me his business card and it was history from there. I got a cotton candy machine, a bouncer, tables, chairs, and a snow cone maker. The theme was spongebob and he had a blast. Passed out once everyone went home for the day. Here's pictures start to finish on his day :)

Nov,s First Gf

Meet Joleeia everyone :) you'll see her again pictured with Nov on his second bday (lol) 

Novi's First time at the Underground

He ran, and ran and ran. (Lol) I wanted him to see what it was like to ride on a train, so we went on MARTA. He wasn't too fond of that (lol) But, overall he enjoyed himself. In the past when I've gone, I would always get pictures taken with the owls. Unfortunately, he didn't get a chance to, reason being they only do that on the weekends. (Which I rarely  get off from work) maybe next time though :) 

Novi's Second Valentines day

He had a bunch of Valentines baskets from me and my family. He had so much fun opening them and making a mess of course, & last but not least enjoying tons of chocolate. :) 

Novi'a First/second Dentist Appt :)

His very first time visiting the dentist he met him a little girlfriend (lol) & his second dentist Appointment. (At two years old) he was more into the video genes, boys... (Lol) He's always brushing his teeth and both visits went well. 

Novi's First Family Reunion

Not only was this his first family reunion. It was also his first time visiting MY hometown. :) he had a ball. While in the pool he fell asleep on me (lol) passed out after the dance later on that night. &'he met his cousin Kennedy (she was born a day him) for the first time. It's always fun being around family and having a good time. 


Novi's First and Second Easter

Im putting these two together, since apparently I never post his first Easter? Which is odd, seeing how it's all over facebook and all my other social networks. His very first Easter, we did the traditional Easter egg dying and we even had an Easter egg hunt. My bestfriend and her babyboy Hayden joined us. I can NOT find his easter pictures! Their in his photo album, :( but I've checked ever FB album I have possible and couldn't find them :( So I may have to post those at a Later date. Luckily, I have pictures from his second easter. I had to work his second Easter. But I let him open some easter baskets and got these cute pictures before I went :)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Catch up

Soooooo much has happened, is happening, will happen. I have not been posting much due to some issues I'm having with my laptop. It's my ONLY means of editing videos. BUT, I will still make an effort to post and finish where we left off. There just won't be any videos. Novi has had his second dentist appt., turned two, gotten a hair cut, lots of things. & because I have OCD they will be in the order they happened. Just bare with me. Everything will now be posted from my good ole handy ipad mini. I can't wait to share everything & get back to blogging. I've also opened my shop back up. So lots to do! Talk to you all again soon.

Bunny <3 

Isn't he just growing up SOOO fast? I no longer get the "she's so pretty" comments ;) (lol) 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Novi Dancing to MJ Experience on the Wii + Lost footage

Like they say practice makes perfect. (lol) Soon as he hears the song, he already knows what dance routine is what. I'm glad I finally caught it on camera. The move he tries to do from Smooth Criminal trips me out every time! Donovian picks up on everything so quickly. Yes those are Mr. Potato head glasses he had on. He always takes the pieces and puts them on himself. If you listen closely you'll hear him say "bye" He's been saying "Hi" and "Hello" for a while. Now, he's finally saying "Bye" Going through old videos I HAD to share the last video one of him at only a few months. I had no idea he waved at the camera at the end until now. :) Keep in touch! Blogger Instagram @Sharbunnyy Twitter @Sharbunnyy Etsy YouTube

Friday, January 11, 2013

Christmas With Novi 2012 + 19 Month Update

What is Donovian NOT doing? (lol) Everyday, he says or does something that just amazes me. He is very advanced for his age. He can count and say a few of his ABC's right now. Of course, not to any perfect order (lol) But it's always when HE wants to. Spongebob is his favorite right now, he can sing the whole song. Along with Mickey Mouse clubhouse. We can be out and if he see's something that resembles either one of the shows, including Jake and the Never land pirates. He immediately yells it out. He does say "mama" "maw" and "nana" and at times calls us by our real names too (lol). Which if he hears it, he'll say it, kids are mocking birds. He LOOVEEES to say Kaetlin (my sisters name) & My boyfriend Alex is "Da Da" He's been calling him that since day one. Potty training is actually coming along pretty good. I got him one for Christmas and he will actually let you know if not get on by himself. Again, when Donovian feels like it (lol) He likes to dress himself too, as I type this he has on some blue shorts over top of his Pajama pants, (lol) so yea. I love how caring he is, last but not least his manners. It's always "thank you" & "excuse me" It's all about repetition, the more they hear you say it, the more they'll start to do so as well. He's a hugger, he'll kiss you, rub your face, your arm. Also, acts soon as someone is hurt. Donovian overall is just a joy to be around and I love every second with him, good and BAD (lol) Nothing like watching your baby grow up. The video is from our Christmas eve get together up until Christmas and the day after. You'll see he's a music lover, always dancing and singing. :) Take Care, Bunnyy