What is Donovian NOT doing? (lol) Everyday, he says or does something that just amazes me. He is very advanced for his age. He can count and say a few of his ABC's right now. Of course, not to any perfect order (lol) But it's always when HE wants to. Spongebob is his favorite right now, he can sing the whole song. Along with Mickey Mouse clubhouse. We can be out and if he see's something that resembles either one of the shows, including Jake and the Never land pirates. He immediately yells it out. He does say "mama" "maw" and "nana" and at times calls us by our real names too (lol). Which if he hears it, he'll say it, kids are mocking birds. He LOOVEEES to say Kaetlin (my sisters name) & My boyfriend Alex is "Da Da" He's been calling him that since day one.
Potty training is actually coming along pretty good. I got him one for Christmas and he will actually let you know if not get on by himself. Again, when Donovian feels like it (lol) He likes to dress himself too, as I type this he has on some blue shorts over top of his Pajama pants, (lol) so yea. I love how caring he is, last but not least his manners. It's always "thank you" & "excuse me" It's all about repetition, the more they hear you say it, the more they'll start to do so as well. He's a hugger, he'll kiss you, rub your face, your arm. Also, acts soon as someone is hurt. Donovian overall is just a joy to be around and I love every second with him, good and BAD (lol) Nothing like watching your baby grow up. The video is from our Christmas eve get together up until Christmas and the day after. You'll see he's a music lover, always dancing and singing. :)
Take Care,