Monday, December 26, 2011

Donovian's First Christmas!

Donovian had a really good Christmas. Most times I go into detail about what he did or what he's doing, or what he got. But, If you haven't already read my 5-6 month blog I wrote about him. Because since then, other than him standing alone by himself now. (which is no longer than 30 seconds) lol! He's not doing too many new tricks as of right now.

I added a couple of pictures in the video, So you can see for yourself the things he got on Christmas! So take care. The next blog will be his 7 month update! Time is flyyyinnng by!

I hope every is enjoyng the holidays. Happy Holidays from Me & Donovian.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Donovian's 5-6 Month update!

This blog is SUPER late. But I haven't had much down time to really blog or make any new videos. I was originally going to just combine Thanksgiving and Christmas together. But since I'm at it now, I thought to just go ahead and share what I have now.

For starters, Donovian is no longer 5 months. (lol) He is six months old now. Waving, sitting up by hiself, crawling, mocking & pulling up on ANYTHING he can get his hands on and trying to walk already. He was taking to baby food for a while. Now Donovian pretty much eats what everyone else is eating. But, because there are still certain foods he really shouldn't eat. Im starting him on Gerber Graduate food. They have yogurt melt bites, breakfast bowls, lil hotdogs (lol) Pretty much everything. He loves it!

Wellll, that is just about it! He's moving right along. Oh yeah, His two bottom teeth are almost in! and they are SHARP! (lol)I should, hopefully. Have Donovian's six month update up before New years (take it or leave it lol) He's such a handful now crawling and getting into everything, and even on my off days Im still busy most of the time runnin around, getting things done. So bare with me! I hope you all enjoy the Thanksgiving video I post up of him.

One last thing, I've been promising a postpartum video of where my weight is and how look NOW. So be on the look out for that as well. & look who's wearing their REAL hair now (LOL) mwah!

Talk to you all again soon


Monday, October 31, 2011

Donovian's First Halloween!

So while the original plan was to go to Lenox mall and get candy. That obviously didn't work out. I didn't know I had to work on Halloween until like a couple days before, then when I found out I didn't get off until 6. I thought I wasn't even going to get the chance to take Donovian trick-or-treating :(

Luckily, It worked out! :) I came home, he was sleep. (lol) He woke up, WE LEFT! & that's pretty much it. If you haven't already be sure to watch his video on Youtube. It's called Donovian's First Halloween to see how it went & to see some of the pictures we took If your not my fiend on Facebook.

Talk to you all soon! Novi will be 5 months November 5th So, there will be a new post coming up soon on that!

xoxo bunnyy

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Four Months old :)

It's almost Halloween :))(That isn't his costume btw, just a cute get-up for the season) You'll see his costume soon ;)

Donovian is STILL a busy body. There's a few new trick he's doing now. He'll put his thumb inside of his jaw and make a "POP" noise. (lol) He will do this over and over until you stop him. It looks like it hurts but he seems to like it. He's teething too. He'll go from all over the place to super chill soon as he has his teething toy or any toy in his mouth for that matter. Donovian no longer has his winnie the pooh bouncer. Why? Oh, nothing. Only because he likes to escape out of it! (lol) If you have watched my video. You know exactly what I'm talking about.

Last but not least, the crawling phase is starting to come along. He will actually lift up off of his stomach and at times look like he's about to do a front flip (lol) I give til December, he'll be crawling if not scooting.

He got his shots :( this time wasn't as bad as the last. As most parents know your kids get their shots almost every 2-3 months up until their a year old or so. But when Donovian went for his 2 month check-up and got his shots. I hated it. He cried most of the day and was very cranky. So, I think as he gets older it won't be too bad. But it's to be expected. The medicine from the shots burn and their legs are so little.

If you haven't already I put together a new video. As I always do. It's called "Four months grown" (lol) another video of all the things he is still doing or has just now started to do. Some things make me just shake my head, because It's like he just wakes up and out of nowhere and starts to do these things. So be sure to watch and catch up on if any, all of Novi's Videos


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Donovian's First Fair :)

Here's Donovian before the parade. You can tell, he looks like he just woke up. We had to get up pretty early. The fair started at 9:30 (lol) He didn't even want to get up!

Novi all bundled up with his shades on :) the sun was a lil' bright. It was hurting my eyes so Im sure it was bothering him too. Out of everything they had in the parade he LOVED the band. Everytime he heard a drum he started yelling at the top of his lungs and start reaching towards the band (lol) I was cracking up! He also, liked the cars. (boy stuff lol)

I can't until next year when they have this fair. He'll be walking and they'll be more that he can do.

Take Care,


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Donovian's 3 month Update!

Since Donovian has turned three months. He can now roll over both ways by himself. He's lifting his head and shoulders and TRIES constantly to get out of his carseat AND his stroller. (lol) Anywhere really. While holding his hands he will take little steps. The most steps he has taken yet is 9, back to back (so proud) :) He's holding his toys and recently tried to hold his bottle. Well, he can but not for a long period of time.

Last but not least he's laughing out loud now! For the most part he's just a really talkative, happy baby. Always laughing, smiles at everyone that looks, speaks to or around him. Before you know it he won't need ANY help walking, or crawling. I have to say Im excited about the walking part. He can get really heavy while Im out and about. Especially If he doesn't want to sit still in his stroller for too long.

Here's a video I put together of him doing just about alll those things.


Fun things to do

When I was younger I became obsessed with these things. It's as simple as putting them in water. In a matter of days they grow! So now ANYTIME I see a Dollar Store I go in and search high and low for em! (lol)

Here's the before & After pictures of the first one I got for Donovian.

Here are the newest ones I bought him

That's a lion in a cage (lol) cuuttee!

Donovian seemed more interested in putting them in his mouth (lol)

Donovian's reaction to Nursery Rhymes

The song plays, he smiles. The song stops, he cries. (lol)!

What's in Donovian's Diaper bag

This video was request by a couple of my viewers. EVERYTHING I have in Donovian's diaper bag.

A Quick Hello :)

Something to look back on when he's older :)

Donovian's first time meeting Hayden

My son Donovian & my BestFriends babyboy Hayden & their lil' Playdate. Im not having any more kids, so this worked out perfectly (lol). They're only one month apart.

Talking to my babies :)) Hayden (left) Donovian (right)

Their faces #priceless (lol)

August 7th, 2011 Meeting one another for the first time

Tummy Time :)

At some point he'll be doing it on his own. For now, 'Tummy Time' is preparing him to do just that.

What Aunties Do BEST lol!

My sister LOVES dressing Donovian up. He's like a life-size doll she can dress up alll the time. LOL! I finally caught one of the many times she's done it on camera. I have to admit we got some really cute pictures out of it though :)

One of my FAVS <3

Donovian's first fourth of July!

He slept through the fireworks, loud music, everything! It was a good time & he didn't cry not ONCE. It also felt good to be able to walk around without being in so much pain :)))

The cooing stage!

It is the cutest when they start cooing! So cute! This was one of the first videos I made of him cooing :)

My 1 month postpartum body

This is where I was at 1 month after having Donovian. I explain the different types of girdles I wear, & I actually try them on so you can see for yourself. I plan on doing another video soon on where I'm at as far as my weight loss now.

Below are the pictures of me with and without a girdle. Not too much a difference :/ But im still working on it! These will also be the pictures I compare to the new ones I'll have up sometime in October :)

"The most boring toy ever"

The title explains it all lol!


MY babyboy was born June 5th, 2011 at 7:45 weighing 7lbs 1oz - 22 inches long. Donovian was given his FIRST bath at home on June 8th, 2011 that was also the day he came home from the Hospital. He smiled at me for the first time June 7th :)

First day Home :)

Novi's first bath lol!

Donovian 4 weeks old - attempting to crawl

This is the FIRST time he tried to crawl :)

Donovian at 2 weeks Old :)

Just a few clips of Donovian at 2weeks. Not too long before he started cooing :)

Donovian Just a few hours after I had him :)

After having Donovian, the nurse took him for about an hour or so for shots. Several hours later he was taken again to get circumcised. Below is a video of what looks like him shaking his head NO as I'am asking him questions. But, later on I learned he was hungry lol! But it worked out for the sake of the video :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

I told everyone on Youtube, Facebook & Twitter to ask me questions about my labor and delivery. Here are the most FAQ I got from you all. Feel free to ask more. I'll be glad to asnwer them all. NO question is off limits.
Follow me on Twitter @sharbunnyy :))

1. Did you have a Vaginal Birth or a C-section? I had a Vaginal Birth.

2. Does Donovian sleep in a baby crib? If not, why? No, He does not sleep in a baby crib. I feel alot more at ease when he's lying right beside me. Especially with him rolling over on his own now. He was sleeping in the bed in the picture below. But, he's way TOO big for it now.

3. Do you breastfeed, bottle feed or both? Both.

4.what cup size were you pre-pregnancy & what cup size are you now? I was a 36B pre-pregnancy now I'm a 41D.

5. Did you get an epidural, If so at what point during labor and delivery? Yes, I asked for an epidural when I was close to 5cm.

6. What was your Pre-pregnancy weight? 153lbs

7. How much did you weigh when you had Donovian? I was 220lbs

8. what type of wipes do you use? sensitive by Pampers and HUGGIES shea butter. (I love the shea butter wipes)

9. What formula do you use ? I use Good Start, gentle plus.

10. which diapers do you think are the best? I love Huggies! lol! Any brand made by HUGGIES or Pampers are good in my opinion.

11. what type breast pump do you use? I use a manual breast pump.

12. Did you have Donovian Circumsized? Yes, I did have Donovian Circumsized

13. When did you start clipping Donovian's nails? When he was just a couple of days old (he was scratching his face up pretty bad) It's a must! Take your time and be gently while doing it. You don't want to nip their little fingertips.

14. Did you tear? Yes I did :/

15. How long were you in labor? My contractions started at Midnight, I had him at 7:45 you do the math lol!

16. Does Donovian Sleep through the night? Now he does lol!

17. Do you plan on having any more kids in the future? No.

18. How often did he wake up? When he was only a couple weeks old. He would wake up almost every 2-3 hours sometimes sooner.

19. If you could, what would you have done differently during labor and delivery? Nothing actually, everything went as planned for the most part. Just wasn't prepared for the pain afterwards (lol) If anything the pain kept me awake more than Donovian :((

20. If you could have another baby minus the pain would you? Is that a trick question? lol! Nope! One is plenty :))

Friday, June 10, 2011

Labor & Delivery :)

Donovian was born June 5th, 2011 at 7:54 p.m. His official due date was May 30th :) I was going to be induced on thd 5th at 5p.m. LUCKILY, I started having contractions starting at midnight. By 9:30 a.m. they had started my Pitocin. (works FAST) lol! At 11:35 a.m. I was dilated to 3cm. I waited until I was almost 5 1/2 cm dilated to get my epidural. Once I got the epidural, at 7cm I started to feel the contractions again. Sooo, I had them give me more medicine to take the edge off the pain. No more than an hour later I was dilated to 10!!

He weighed 7lbs 1oz and measured 21inches. I have to say the contraction part wasn't AS BAD, as most people make it out to be. Some contractions are small, & then you have some that are breathtaking. PUSHING, is just exhausting! (lol) & with an epidural really really easy to do. I only pushed for about 30 minutes or so. The worse part OF COURSE has been the healing process. It was very frustrating for a few days wanting to bend down, stand up, sit down, lay down, and walk when/how I wanted around and not being able to do so. But, It's getting better ;)(Thank GOD)

I had MORE footage, but some things I just didn't want to show. (I don't think anybody would) lol! I know alot of expecting mommy's have questions. Feel free to ask!

Take Care,

keep in touch
follow me on twitter @sharbunnyy

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Biophysical Profile - BPP Test

More about the test I had done today.,,

Biophysical Profile aka BPP Test
The Ultrasound Tech gives your baby at least 30 minutes for this test. To pass each one of the test. They check the babies movement, breathing, muscle tone, heart rate and they measure your amniotic fluid.

For the breathing, the ultrasound tech will probably ask you to hold your breathe so that she can see if the baby does what is called "practice breathing" which just shows once the babies born they will know how to start breathing on their own.

Movement - They'll watch to see if the baby will move at least 2 times.

Muscle tone - she'll watch to see if the baby will flex his/her limbs and they look to see if he/she will move his/her hands. (he waved at me) awww (lol)

Heart rate - just like they do at any other visit. She's just looking to see where your babys heart rate is & If at one point in that 30 minutes It'll go up.

Amniotic Fluid - checks the fluid around your baby.

I know some of you who keep in touch with me on here, aren't as far along as I'am. So instead of you all having to do the research on your own about it. I decided to go ahead and tell you all what it is. :)

If I go into labor before Sunday (crosses fingers) Next post will be pictures of my lil' man! :D & Of course if I happen to be induced next week you'll see a post from me then :)

Take care until then.
Talk to you all soon,

Keep in touch

Follow me on twitter @sharbunnyy

Anyday Now....

Today at my appointment I had a Biophysical Profile done on Donovian. & He passed (I'll ellaborate more in another post) After I had that done. They checked to see If I had dilated any. Im only dilated to one right now :/ (lame) lol! With that being said. Sunday night I'll be given Cerdivil to ripen my cervix (this is ONLY if I don't go into labor on my own) Then Monday I will be given pitocin (again, that is if I don't go into labor on my own lol)

So the way it's looking. I'll either have him Monday orrrr hopefully he'll come before then. I know not everyone who has been induced has had luck with a vaginal birth and alot of times end up having to get a c-section :/. Which at the end of the day when it all comes down to it. If I have to have a c-secion done, hey... It has to be done. But of course I'd rather not take that route.

Just a matter of time ! A bit nervous :/ Though


Thursday, May 26, 2011

A True story - Just Venting

Just a lil' something the immature "women" and dead beat fathers can DWELL on. READ UP.

If you didn't know already. Not like It makes a difference anyhow. Seeing how I'am estatic to become a first time Mother. My pregnancy was unplanned. While It may seem weird I shared that. There's a really touchy reason why I did.

Not too long ago, I had a conversation with a young lady whom is actually TRYING to get pregnant and has had no luck with doing so in a while.

The moral of this whole "story" is. There are women/men who CAN NOT have kids and or are TRYING to have kids and will not EVER be able to do so. The fact that she's soo determined to have a child & I got pregnant when I LEAST expected to. It makes me THANKFUL, and it also reminds me how blessed I have been to be able to carry my one and only child Donovian.

To some you look at it as, "oh, such and such is pregnant now" But, It's more to the word "pregnant". You all use it like It's a BAD thing. As women, Pregnancy allows us to carry a PERSON, within our bodies. Doesn't sound like much to those who don't have children. & It won't, until they've felt a hand, or a foot, or a hiccup come from their body. They are apart of US. Whether it be by your husband, fiance', ex husband, ex fiance', ex bf, bestfriend WHATEVER.

Both MEN/WOMEN, Instead of making negative comments & acting as if having a child is the WORSE thing in the world. (I can respect those who aren't ready just to throw that in there) But, I feel like pregnant women. Are not appreciated enough! I understand, MOST feel like you should be married when you have kids by someone. But just in case some forgot. It doesn't always happen that way sometimes. (hence I had a ring on my finger at one point while being with Donovian's father) & It's not like we wouldn't want it to be that way.

Yet, ALOT of pregnant women have to take the HEAT simply because they're not at a the "appropriate" age, or not married. Whatever the reason would be for the hypocrital type folks Im talking about. AGAIN.... there are men/women who CAN NOT have kids. So you should learn to be a little more SENSITIVE when it comes to talking about pregnancy. Because, people can be extremely RUDE and hurt others feelings when "expressing" themselves about PREGNANCY.

To the men, Especially Donovian's father. Who want to ACT like a "man" in BED then leave when it's time to MAKE IT UP & MAN UP. hmm, Im a STRONG believer in KARMA. Not only that. YOU have missed out on YOUR BLESSING. Believe it or not. (sarcasm)

Chasing after women allll day. Whether it be on twitter facebook wherever, whenever. Remember, your child? The person you created. The lil' person who has YOUR blood pumping through their veins, YOUR DNA, has YOUR personality traits, YOUR looks. Yet, you choose to be more committed to someone you JUST met over the internet/in person. Over BLOOD? Then sit & call us the most disrespectful (in my opinion) name of all times. "baby mama" that's not what we were in the beginning. Not to mention you all like to add the word "crazy" in front of it. Simply because you don't want to be HONEST and tell these girls how you really feel about the Mother of your child. But It's allll good :)

You're worthless . . . . . . . .

oh! & Im blessed ;)

P.S. I will be raising my son to be a MAN. We're lacking a handful.


Keep in touch
follow me on twitter

Monday, May 23, 2011

39 Weeks!

At this point, I don't think Donovian wants to come this month. LOL! I mean, I've been only a FINGERTIP, for 3 weeks now? He's in head down position, they can feel his head and EVERYTHING. So what's the DEAL, right? I know people say boys can be "stubborn" when it gets closer to their due date. But geeeezzz! Im ready, along with the rest of my family! It's like he's intetionally taking his time.

I also, had another ultrasound done again, today. Which if your a "regular" lol & read my blogs every week you'll know I had one two weeks ago to check on the fluid around him. It was 9 then, but now it's at 10 which is still according to them on the "lower end of normal, but enough" Sooo, yeah. & If you haven't read that particular post yet. The NORM is between 7-20. & like I said, Im at 10 now. So, you get the idea.

My due date is next Monday. Soo, either he'll come before then, that day (May 30th) or I have another appt already scheduled the following day. To see what's going on. Not like I'll be induced, because typically alot of women don't have their FIRST baby on the official "due date" & Like alot of you all know. Babies can come anywhere between 39-41 weeks. In that case, maybe THEN, yes I'd have to be induced. They give the baby about a week or so after your due date. Before making that decision. Which I PRAYYYYY, I don't have to be induced. Natural labor is probably enough, I would not like to see what's it like to be FORCED. :/

Well, that's my appointment all wrapped up in other things. Hopefully he'll stop being so STUBBORN, & give my body the GREEN light to go to the hospital. LOL! Because I've enjoyed my pregnancy, up until this point, It's VERY uncomfortable & frustrating now. (swelling, headaches, no sleep, frequent bathroom breaks, false labor pains) You get the point. Plus, Im ready to meet my lil man :))

Hope all is well!
Let's see how this week and next week goes! The time is getting closer!!

Keep in touch

follow me on Twitter @sharbunnyy

"False Alarm" Take one

Soo, Friday at around 9ish. I noticed Donovian had not moved for a few hours or so. Which, alot of times means his lil self is just sleeping. BUT! Because this time it was longer than usual & I had JUST got done eating and that's when I'd usually feel him more, if not hiccup for about 20-30 minutes. I called my midwife who happened to be on call that night (Thank god) & She had me come into the hospital and I was hooked up to the monitor for about a half hour or so. (checking for contractions and checking his heart rate) As always he showed off. & Soon as she checked to see If I was dilated?? HE LOSSTTT IT! Heart rate shot up ino the 150's. (that woke him up) LOL!

Sooo, I wasn't dilating. Had a few REALLY really small contractions though. (not fun) But it was nothing, to the point where I had to stay obviously. I honestly wish I would've went into labor that night though. I was scared, but excited at the same time. False alarms SUCK :( But, I'm glad everything was okay with my lil' guy. That's MOST important. I guess that chilli dog I had put him in a DEEP sleep. LOL!

Talk to you all soon!!

Keep in touch!

Follow me on twitter @sharbunnyy

Monday, May 16, 2011

38 week Visit! (My dilating point) :)

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ My belly has dropped :))

It's been that way for some weeks now. He's WAYYY way down now. So far down, Im schedule to have ANOTHER ultrasound next week because my belly is still measuring small (which is simply from him moving further down) & They also want to check on the fluid around him, again. If you read my recent post I told you what was a GOOD amount in terms of fluid around the baby. Like I said in that post, If the fluid is NOT enough they will induce me.

Other than that, while getting my. You know exam, LOL The nurse told me "It has started" So I'am starting to dilate. She said only a FINGERTIP, so that's NOT much right now. But, I'am expecting to have him sometime before this weekend if not. The following week after. Or of course whenever HE'S rready. He's in charge right now. (LOL)

Talk to you all Next Week!

Keep in touch,
xoxo bunnyy

- follow me on twitter @sharbunnyy

Monday, May 9, 2011

37 week Visit

Sooo, while I thought today would be a regular check-up. I ended up getting an ultrasound. My nurse said I was measuring 34 when I should've been measuring 37. After the ultrasound, they said everything was okay. He just has moved futher down, leaving alot of room up top of my belly. As of right now, like I said in my last post. He's still measuring about 6lbs 1oz/6lbs 2oz.

They also checked to see if he had enough amniotic fluid around him. He has JUST enough. But if the fluid is to get below 7, Im at 9 right now (It should be anywhere between 7-20) Then they will have to induce me. Im praying on that part, things will go right. Either way if I have him between now or 39-41 weeks. Today (at 37 weeks) he is considered "full term". So If he is to come anyday now, everything will be OK.

Last but not least. I haven't said much about my dilation. Mainly because at 35 weeks. Which was the first time they checked to see If I had dilated I wasn't. Today I was scheduled to see If I was dilated. But, after the ultrasound, they gave me the okay to just leave. I will however, next week be checked to see If I have dilated any. I'll defintely let you all know what is said. I got my lab results back from the Group B streptococcus test I had done. It came back negative. So everything is everything. Moving right along :)

Talk to you all next week!

Keep in touch
follow me on twitter @sharbunnyy

Saturday, May 7, 2011

9 Months! The GOOD and all the BAD (lol)

So now that my visits will be EVERY week until what is supposed to be my due date. Which is May 30th, I won't be posting anymore videos on YouTube until my lil' man is here. Out of all the visits. These are the most..... um. Uncomfortable. LOL! They pretty much measure my belly :), listen to Donovian's heartbeat and yeah. The other part, (lol) check to see if Im dilated. Whoever said it doesn't HURT, lied! But hey! If you can take that pain, more power to ya! (lol) As Of last weeks visit. Im not dilated at ALL. Just by measuring me they were able to tell me about how many pounds he is. As of right now he is about 6 pounds.

So, Just stay tuned on HERE, every week to get an update on my progress. (Starting Monday) --To answer everyone's questions about how I've been feeling. Although the swelling in my face has gone down a bit. My feet still swell, my back hurts, my feet hurt, & Let's not leave out the infamous braxton hicks. LOL So yeah, IM GREAT! hahaha. I do alot of walking and getting out of the house. Anything to help speed up the process at this point!

Talk to you all soon!

Take Care,

Keep in touch
follow me on twitter @sharbunnyy

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Organized Much - Itzbeen Baby Care Timer :)

While most mother's would just go with the flow. Im really big on having things written down and kind of having a routine when it comes to keeping my day organized. With babies, there's no telling what will happen NEXT (lol) But I still went ahead and got the Itzbeen Baby Care Timer. I already know It'll be my right hand for the first few weeks/months of motherhood for ME.

The Itzbeen comes with different timers. For example in the picture you see a diaper icon, a bottle icon, a snooze icon and an asterich icon. (pretty self explanatory) Each one of the timers will show you how long it has been since the last task you've done. So the last time you changed his/her diaper, last time you feed your baby, last time they were awake or sleep. Then you have the asterich icon which you can use for any other task you may have done that day that isn't already listed.

If you're planning to breastfeed (like myself) or already breastfeeding. on the Itzbeen timer you will see an icon of a woman breastfeeding her baby with a L and R switch. It helps you to remember which breast your baby feed on.

I don't have short-term memory loss. I promise! (lol) But, with a newborn I've seen it for myself how HECTIC things can get and my mind is ALWAYS doing 10,000 things at once. So I think a few timers will help me out til I get the swing of things. I know how overwhelmed I can get when it comes to multi-tasking. (lol)

You can get the Itzbeen timers in Babies R us ONLY, regular Toys R us stores don't have this device, WalMart, & I think Target may have them. Their 24 dollars. Very small, and it comes with a clip so you can clip it onto your clothes, your stroller wherever need be.

I hope this was helpful. & If you have a friend who's expecting. This would make the perfect Baby Shower gift :)

Follow me on twitter @Sharbunnyy

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Donovian's Baby Shower =D

How many Jelly Beans do you think is in the bottle? (lol) this was a door prize game I had my guest play when they first got to the shower. At the end we picked from a bowl of names and whoever was close to the actual number of Jelly beans got a prize! :)

There were 175 Jelly Beans in the bottle :)

I had soo much fun! All of my close friends and family were there. We played some really fun games. First game we played was the Baby Animal game. It's like scramble, you had to unscramble the words of baby animals. It was really hard! lol! But, there was a winner. We played A musical chair like game where you had to toss a Diaper with a melted almond joy in it until the music stops (self explantory, but yeah you get the idea) lol! & The last game we played was where everyone had to measure my belly using tiolet tissue. Whoever had the LEAST toilet tissue left goin around my belly won. -You'll see a few pictures of that in my video.

Follow me on Twitter @sharbunnyy

Hope you enjoy the pictures!

"Why did you have two Baby Shower cakes" - Where it was made.

(lol) Sadly knowing my temper and what-not. I would usually respond "why does it matter" - Which I still feel that way. Why would it matter if I had 10 babyshower cakes? It's MY babyshower and nobody else is paying for it. So uh-helloo!!?

Anywho! (lol) The first cake I wanted was the Polo Cake. Because It was soo cute It was already said we we're just going to freeze it until Donovian's first birthday party. Or at least freeze the booties & Just let a selected few get to taste that one. So yeah, that's that. We actually ended up cutting it. Well just the hat part of the cake. Im still going to freeze the booties for him. :)

The second cake, was the cake that we agreed could be demolished at the shower. (lol) & That it was.

Cake Info:
Alot of people wanted to know where I got my Polo Cake made. IF your on facebook look up 'CEO custom cakes' If you live in Georgia, her shop is on Camp creek. She also has a twitter @ceocustomcakes :) The phone number to her shop is (404) 795-1403.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My BabyShower Cake =)

As Im typing this. Facebook is taking It's precious time to upload all of my Baby Shower pictures (smh) lol! So until They are all up! I thought I'd at least upload one of the two cakes I had at my shower :)

Donovian's Polo Baby shower Cake

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

32 Weeks & Swollen! LOL

Hey guysss!

I now weigh a whopping 207lbs! As you can see in the pictures I have swelled up quite a bit. My Dr. office advised, MORE water. (Go figure) My body is retaining alot of fluid. But this isn't anything NEW. You put on a good amount of weight when you're carrying two <3 (well, I'am lol)

- My appts are STILL every 2 weeks. Well, until I hit the 35 week mark that is. Then I'll be visiting EVERY week until my babyboy is hereeeee :)) I have been experiencing braxton hicks quite a bit too =/. Sleeping is STILL soooo uncomfortable =/ (lol) luckily It won't be too much longer before I can finally sleep how I want (YAY).

My babyboy's heartbeat was a healthy 145 !!!! He's BEYONNDD active. I keep trying to catch him, but It's like he hears the lens on my camera and stops as soon as I start recording. lol! I've been feeling elbows, STRONGER kicks. Lots and lots of jabs though lol, you can actually see HIM move across my belly now <3 He's getting a lil' snug in there now. It catches me off guard everytime! lol!

Hope all is well!
sorry for the essay! :( (lol)

xoxo, Bunny
talk to you all in 2 weeks :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

30 Week Update!

YAY! almost there :)

If you watched my 28 week update video. You'll know since then I've been waiting for my results from my GTT (glucose tolerace test) to come back. Everything was good! My visits have gone from every 4 week visits, to every 2 weeks. & starting from 35 weeks I'll be visiting my Dr's Office every week until the BIG day :)

I now weigh 200 lbs! So Im looking at 220 by the time Donovian is born. Im carrying another person with me, what to expect?!?! LOL His movements are ALL day now, he usually stops while Im eating (go figure) lol - only for 10 minutes or so then he's back at it. LOL At 28 weeks I was told to record his movements. Now, I just can't keep up! Last time I tried I could only record 10 kicks in 2 minutes. (using the babybump app) But It was really 26-30 kicks in under 3 minutes. Now? Hell, too many to count LOL - His heartbeat was perfect. We're in pretty good health. So im happy about that.

If you didn't get to see me drink that yucky stuff,the video is below! LOL
Talk to you all in 2 weeks (April 5th is my next appt) Which Is just a routine check-up, so I might just post a picture up. It's not til 35 weeks where I get my last and final test done. Which is the Group B Streptococcus test (test given to test for an intestinal bacteria) Then from there I'll be on stand-by til my lil man bust that bubble! LOL

- Sharla

Monday, March 7, 2011

28 Week Update!

Sooo, the Glucose drink. I'll admit It was nasty. But it wasn't as BAD as I thought it was going to be. My mom recorded me drinking it, LMAO. So yeah, laugh at me if you want. But, It was really hard for me to keep it down. I now weigh, or should I say WE. lol 197 lbs. I took a tour and registered at the hospital where I'll be having Donovian. The place is PERFECT! Now, that Im in my last trimester I will be visiting my OB every 2 weeks & then of course it'll turn into every week until my babyboy is here :D

So now that I've finally taking the diabetes test. Im just waiting on results. Everything has been perfect so far. So, I pray my results come back within normal range. & In the video I recorded Novi's heartbeat! :)

Enjoy the video lol!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Baby Registry Information

I know alot of you are probably like. "Finally" LOL But I've been taking this time to just add lil' things here and there on both my registries. Wal-mart is my primary registry. But I'am also registered at BabyDepot.

To make it easy on you all. I've posted both links to my registries below. So, you wouldn't have any problems looking for me. Although Im probably the ONLY Sharla Murrell on both LOL. Since the links aren't highlighted, simply copy and past the link into your search engine box and It'll direct you to each registry.

For those who will take the time to go and take a peek. I Thank you in advance. If you have any questions. Send me an e-mail ( or of course just give me a call. Im not picky, but there are probably a few items I like ALOT. Baby Carriers,(for those out and about busy days) shopping cart covers, breast feeding accessories. But,I will appreciate anything anyone gets off my registry. Suprise ME :)

Take Care,

- Sharla

My Walmart Registry:

My Baby Depot Registry:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Donovian kicks for the Camera :)

( 26 weeks 3 days) -Like I said, I'll be trying to catch him move when he FIRST starts. Those are the really BIG movements. & They are always in the morning!! I was sooo in awee, I pulled my camera out right when he began to stop. lol That's why the ones I caught were sooo small :/

There will be more of these videos so you'll see the BIG difference as we get bigger :D

- Bunny




Pamper Gift Baskets

HOLA! :)

My mom has always made different baskets for different occassions. & Since 2011 is like the new "baby boom" LOL If you know somebody who is expecting, or if you have a babyshower your going to. A Pamper gift basket would be super cute!!!

They start at $30 the pictures below are of the most recent ones she has made. It's for my babyboy :))) So you can kind of get an idea of what they will look like. I know everyone isn't having a boy. So when she finishes with the girl basket I'll put that one up as well. Call and put in an order. Ask for Tonya, (678) 600-0447.




Monday, February 21, 2011

Going into my Third Trimester :)

Thought I'd just put together a video sharing a few photos I've taken througout my pregnancy. Enjoy!

p.s. The one where I was in a wheelchair. LOL my FEET were in so much pain!!! I can no longer stand TOO long or Im just out of luck. LOL!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pregnant Besties :)

It's just so funny to know that me and my bestfriend are pregnant at the SAME time. LOL which to me is a good thing. All of my family are out of town. So, now when Donovian is born he will have a play mate. Not only are me and my bestfriend pregnant at the same time me and my cousin who used to watch ME when I was younger is also pregnant. We're only ONE DAY APART.

Me & My cousin :)

Me (at 25 weeks) & My bestfriend Arrianne (at 19 weeks)

Alot of people think negative when pregnant women will pose in bra's and panties. But, hellloo!!? The whole point is to show off our beautiful bellies. Im excited about being a first time mommy. I may not be 30 having a baby. But I wouldn't want to have it any other way. I've bonded with this lil' person I've never even held yet. Nothing can replace that feeling.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

"Yeah It's a boy"

I told you all I was going to wear it! I LOVE it! One of my favs :)

My Trip to West Va

While going back home was a down time because my grandmother passed. I wanted to show a lil' of what I did. Didn't want the video to be too depressing. & I'am currently working on the video for my Grandmother now. It'll be up soon :)

- Bunnyy

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Birthdayyy to me!!! :))

I enjoyed my 21st birthday. Some think I wish I could go out. But I have plenty time to do that. Never been a BIG club person. Everything you do there I can do at my damn house. (seriously tho) Being pregnant on your birthday can have it's moments tho. LOL I def fell asleep like 5 times today. Just exhausted, from absolutely nothing. Donovian was a big kicker too. Guess he had his own lil party going on. lol -- When I went to lunch at Chilli's with my mom, the manager claims I was "so pretty" that he paid my bill & I got a yummy desert cake ;) So being pregnant on my 21st Birthday wasn't BAD at all! I loveed IT! & I love everyone who told me Happy Birthday. But most importantly my wonderful Mom, Mom Maw, and lil sister made it that much more special. They got me soooo much really cute stuff!!! Im STILL spoiled ;) oh welll! I love them bunches!! I still haven't touched my cake yet, Im suprised. LOl but it'll be gone before Monday Im sure.

My lil sis holding my cake. Yummm

The super nice Manager at Chilli's

Goodies ;) & My tasteyy Ice Cream Cake

- Bunnyy

@Sharbunnyy on Twitter

D cups! ;)

LOL -- So yeah, as you can see my lil' sister pretty much took ALL of my bra's! Im def not complaining though. D cups are amazing lol can't wait to throw on a bikini this summer. Who said preggos can't be sexy ? ;)

Cute Maternity Tops !

ALot of people ask me where I got my 'Baby on board' shirt. I found this website called

-- They have tons & tons of cute maternity tops. They have different categories, animals, professions, humor etc. Long sleeve, short sleeve. Whatever, they got it.

I hope this was hopeful! They'll make a super cute gift for a shower, or an expecting mother.

Spencers also has some cute ones. Well, more like adult humor type t-shirts. lol! I plan on wearing this exact shirt tomorrow. I'll take pics! :))

Take Care,
xoxoxoxoxo Bunnyyy

@sharbunnyy on Twitter

Thursday, February 10, 2011

24 Week Update :)

I know some of you are SUPER suprised! lol! But, nope. No video for this update. Please forgive me for this Lazy momment. AT times I really just don't like to EDIT and do all of that :/

Today was just a routine check-up. My midwife took my vitals( I weigh 190 now), measured my belly (23), and got Donovian's heartbeat which was PERFECT as always. They also gave me my papers for preregistration for the hospital, prenatal classes, a hospital tour. Even though the classes aren't mandatory, I would love to sign up. It doesn't hurt to know what to do if the unknown is to happen.

Look familiar ladies ? :/ lol!

This is what's to come my next appointment next month. I know ALL about it, so spare me the details please! LOL -For those of you who are already mother's you ALREADY know what that is. "The sugar test" better known as the Diabetes blood test. Which checks for Gestational diabetes. & for everyone who is clueless about the test. It's just a way for them to see if your body can normally lower the amount of glucose which is 50 grams of sugar that you take, In a pretty fast time range. If the results come back within a normal level, then it normally means you are less likely to have/get diabetes. Then if your levels are high, your doctor will ask for you to go have additional testing done just to be on the safe side. Just another test us pregnant women have to have done. LOL. I'am def not looking forward to it, because of the facial expressions alone I get when I just mention the name. But, you gotta do what you gotta do right?

But, that's all folks. Stay tuned, love you all.

p.s. My Birthdayy is tomorrow :)))

- Bunnyy